(601) 942-1128
1584 Old Fannin Road
Brandon, Mississippi 39047
Monday - Sunday
8AM - 5PM
15″ Diameter. Stamped posterior.
Includes the following: 6 – dinner plates, 6 – salad plates, 8 – dessert plates, 7 – fruit/dessert bowls, 12 – saucers, 4 – tea cups. Stamped bases.
Stamped bases. Great condition. 8.5″ Diameter.
gilt accents, floral motif. Stamped bases.
Colorful blues and pinks enamel painted. Floral motif. Stamped posterior. Not for food use. Decorative use only.
designer Vera Wang “Vera Lace” pattern for Wedgewood. Platinum trim. 3 pieces: 1 dinner plate, 1 tea cup and saucer.
Includes serving pieces, one lid missing from sugar jar.
Poppy like motif with gilt accents. Handled pitcher. Stamped base. Burslem, England – Perfecto Imperial Semi China – Dunn Bennett & Co. Max 8″H
Gorgeous Imperial Nippon hand painted sugar with lid and creamer. Both have handles. Greek key gilt design and accents. Painted scenes of sail boats on sea.
10″Diameter – Stamped back. “Empire China” gilt details – Has chipped rim.
Some chips. Stamped bases. 3pc sugar and lid with base.
Antique early 19th century hand painted bowl with multicolored flower design and turquoise painted center. Slight pedestal base. Scalloped flower/clover-like shape. Stamped at bottom. 2.5″H x 6.5″W
Vivid blue and white Oriental garden transferware tea cup with gold guilt rim and handle detail. Unstamped. Has a crack length wise down the side. (Crack will leak) – 2.75″H
Set of 4 pieces of blue and white transferware porcelain stacking apothecary dishes with flow blue motif and prosperity top detail. Unstamped. 4.5″H
Set of 4 stacking porcelain apothecary dishes with hand painted details and Foo Dog top. Unstamped. 4″H
1 tea cup, 1 saucer. Stamped bases. Gold painted minimalistic detail.
4 tea cups, 4 saucers, 7 dessert plates, 7 salad plates, 8 dinner plates
2 demi espresso cups and saucers. stamped made in Japan. Researched as Ohashi. Gilt details.
Floral painted with gilt. Rare design. Stamped made in Germany interior of lid.
12 Vintage Rosenthal Germany Sterling Rimmed Plates, porcelain floral design, 4″dia.
8 Sterling Silver Bouillon or Tea / Coffee Cups with 8 Lenox Porcelain Inserts, 2 1/2″h., 4″dia.
Gorham Sterling Demitasse Cups and Saucers, porcelain Lenox inserts, 8 saucers, 10 cups, 2″h.
Espresso/coffee Demitasse bone china set. Made in England. “Begonia” floral motif and collection. 5 cups and saucers, 1 pot.
High gloss blue and white jasperware with dancing caryatids and clay brown secondary. Stamped base “Dudson Brothers”, and “Hanley, England”. Rare, set of 3 with one tea pot with lid, sugar jar with lid, and cream pitcher.
5″H 11″D possible marking of maker on the inside of bowl to the right of center design.
Beautifully painted “Carlsbad” plate with flowering vine details. Stamped “Austria”
Subtotal: $794.60
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